View Summer Schedule

School Year 2024 – 2025.  All classes meet once per week for 30 weeks.

Grades Course ID Computer Science Classes Duration Sessions (A or B) Tuition** Register
5*-6 CSR-100 Introduction to Computing September – June Session A: Thursdays
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm 
$1600 Register
6-7 CSR-200 Computing Concepts September – June

Session A: Saturdays 
10:00 am – 12:00 pm -or-
Session B: Mondays 
4:45 pm – 6:45 pm


$1975 Register
8-12 CSR-300N Introduction to Computer Science Using JavaScript (New Students) September – June Session A: Thursdays
6:15 pm – 8:15 pm 
$1975 Register
CSR-300R Introduction to Computer Science Using JavaScript (Returning Students only) September – June Session A: Wednesdays
4:45 pm – 6:45 pm
$1975 Register
CSR-310R Applied JavaScript (Returning Students only) September – June TBD $1975 Register
9-12 CSR-340 Computer Science Using Python September – June

Session A: Saturdays
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm


$1975 Register
Grades Course ID Competition Classes Duration Sessions Tuition** Register
4 CSR-COMP2 Competition Math and Computer Science Preparation September – June TBD $1600 Register
9-12 CSR-ACSL Competition Python September – June Please contact the school $1600 Register
Grades Course ID Private Tutoring Math and Computer Science Duration Sessions Rates Register
4-12 CSR-PT Private Tutoring in Math or Computer Science Subjects Year Round By Appointment $98 per hour Register

*CSR-100 is intended for grades 5 to 6. 4th graders with significant prior experience may contact the school for a free consultation and may be considered for enrollment after an evaluation.
** $50 registration fee.  Students enrolled in a full-year computer science class receive a 10% discount on tuition for any competition class.