

Dave HorriganAt CS Recitations, we passionately believe that computer science is a core competency.   CS Recitations was founded to make computer science education available to students ages 8-18.  Computer science is more than programming — a computer science education teaches logic, reasoning, and problem solving.  Computation, critical reasoning, and creativity are key assets for any endeavor, and computer science develops these skills.  At CS Recitations, we emphasize algorithmic thinking and creative problem solving.

Our education model brings together the best curriculum, the best delivery methods, and the best teachers in a state-of-the-art interactive classroom.   We draw upon proven content and technology while customizing our courses to best serve students of varying levels and learning styles.  Expert teachers provide in-person instruction, leveraging web-based, online resources and technology.  We believe the most critical component to learning is what takes place in the classroom — there is no substitute for face-to-face interaction between students and teachers with expert knowledge.

The time to add computer science to your child’s education program is now.

Please explore our site and our offerings, sign up for our newsletter, and let us know your thoughts and comments!

Click here to view a video from Code.org that provides a good overview of the importance of computer science education. CS Recitations is committed to fulfilling this need.

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