CSR-100: Introduction to Computing | Grades 5*-6
CSR-100 (30 classes total, 1.5 hours per class)
Introduction to Computing teaches computational concepts and introduces programming through the development of art, games, music, and animations. Unlike most introductory courses, we teach students the fundamentals of classic computer science, including the use of variables, loops, conditionals, logic, functions with parameters, problem solving, and top down design using Scratch 3 as a platform. In addition to developing programming and computational skills, students draw upon their creativity and imagination while creating and sharing projects of interest to them.
This course is intended as an introductory step for younger students in grades 5 and 6 in growing from computer technology users to creators, instilling a lasting interest in and curiosity about computer science. Students should be at or above the 5th grade level in mathematics. Students who complete this course typically choose to go on to complete CSR-200, CSR-300, and CSR-340 with CS Recitations.
Please enjoy our short two-minute video showing a sampling of student projects.